When evaluating a construction loan, private lenders frequently take several factors into account. To evaluate a construction loan, a private money lender will typically look for the following main components, among others:
- Borrower creditworthiness: In order to determine the borrower’s capacity to repay the loan, private lenders will look at their credit history, debt-to-income ratio, and financial standing.
- Project viability: The lender will demand to see comprehensive plans, cost estimates, and a timeline for the construction project. They will also take into account the property’s location, the market’s demand for the project, and any possible zoning or permit issues.
- Team with experience: Private lenders will want to see that the borrower has a team in place with prior success on projects and experience in the construction industry. Contractors, architects, and other experts who will work on the project are included in this.
- Collateral: The lender will need to determine whether the value of the asset being used as collateral is adequate to secure the loan.
- Pre-construction financing: Prior to the loan being disbursed, private lenders may demand that the borrower contribute a portion of the funds required for the project. This demonstrates the borrower’s stake in the outcome and dedication to the undertaking.
The Things You Need To Provide for the Evaluation
You must give thorough details about yourself, the project, and your team in order to be granted a construction loan. Financial statements, tax returns, and other supporting documentation should be available when requested.
Having a solid business plan and a polished pitch can also help you have a better chance of getting accepted.
Additionally, a private lender may find you more appealing if you have a strong credit score and a track record in the construction industry.

When compared to other forms of financing, construction bridge loans from private lenders frequently demand a higher level of collateral. This is because the uncertainty involved in construction is thought to make construction loans riskier.
The size and complexity of the project, the borrower’s creditworthiness, and the strength of the collateral will all have an impact on how much leverage a private lender will demand for a construction bridge loan.
Commonly referred to as “equity injection,” private lenders will demand that the borrower advance a sizable portion of the project’s funding requirements. This demonstrates to the lender that the borrower is committed to seeing the project through to completion and has a sizable financial stake in it.
The lender might also demand a first-position mortgage on the property being developed in addition to the equity infusion. In the event of default, this gives the lender a security interest in the property and gives them a way to recover their investment.
Depending on the lender, a different level of leverage may be necessary, but generally speaking, private lenders will demand more collateral than conventional sources of funding. Because of this, it’s crucial for borrowers to carefully consider the conditions of a construction bridge loan and ensure that, before moving forward, they are comfortable with the amount of collateral required.
A ratio called ARLTV, or After Repair Loan to Value, compares the loan amount to the property’s value after development. Due to the higher risk associated with construction, private lenders will typically require a lower LTV ratio for construction bridge loans compared to other forms of financing.
On the other hand, LTC, or Loan to Cost, is a ratio that contrasts the loan sum with the overall cost of the construction project. In order to make sure the borrower has enough money to finish the project, private lenders may also demand a lower LTC ratio for construction bridge loans.
LTV and LTC leverage requirements for private lenders are typically lower than those for traditional financing sources, which can range from 50% to 80% of the project cost. The lender and the particulars of the project will determine the exact ratios needed.